Sunday, March 15, 2009

Famines in Africa

Africa is plagued with famines, many of which are triggered by natural disasters such as drought, locusts, livestock and crop disease. Recently, famines have increasingly been triggered or aggravated by conflict and war. The table below lists some African famines, their causes and estimated mortality statistics.

Year Location Causal triggers Estimated mortality
1902-1908 Nigeria Drought 5 000
1906-1907 Tanzania Conflict 37 500
1913-1914 Sahel, West Africa Drought 125 000
1917-1919 Tanzania Drought & Conflict 30 000
1922 Zimbabwe Drought 47
1929 Tanzania Drought 500
1943-1944 Rwanda Drought & Conflict 300 000
1949 Malawi Drought 200
1957-1958 Ethiopia Drought & Locusts 250 000
1966 Ethiopia Drought 50 000
1968-1970 Nigeria Conflict 1 000 000
1969-1974 Sahel, West Africa Drought 101 000
1972-1975 Ethiopia Drought 350 000
1974-1975 Somalia Drought 20 000
1980-1981 Uganda Drought & Conflict 30 000
1982-1985 Mozambique Drought & Conflict 100 000
1983-1985 Ethiopia Drought 800 000
1984-1985 Sudan Drought 250 000
1988 Sudan Conflict 250 000
1991-1993 Somalia Drought & Conflict 400 000
1998 Sudan Drought & Conflict 70 000
2003-2008 Zimbabwe??? Land reform???
2003- Sudan Drought & Conflict

Africa has the potential to eradicate famines. All that is required is political will and long-term commitment by national governments, regional bodies and the international community. Otherwise, many Africans will die or be pushed further into poverty and food insecurity in famines that can be prevented.

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